Ayoze's Scribe
2 min readJun 12, 2024
Photo by Susan Q Yin on Unsplash

Sad, what they make life be
A place where you are judged
On all the things you did
Freewill is a decoy
From letting you see the trick
The trick they played on us
Those who came before us
We’re made to believe
Right and wrong
We’re judged
We’re reprieved
Made to live with limitations
And false beliefs
Fragile creatures
We succumb
To these laid-out incongruities
Living a life
Without true knowledge
Of its meaning
We’re made believers
Deducted from us
Our true selves
The foremen
They did a good job
In phishing our deemed purpose
We’re just sheep
Following a mythic shepherd
We’re lost
Just clinging onto tales
Tales of the unknown
Making us believers

Believers of the unknown.

In this world we are, we are just shown a little part of what it encompasses, there are many truths to be found which are long lost.

Don’t ever restrict yourselves to the information you’re provided with, search for yours and discover something new.

Photo by Marivi Pazos on Unsplash

Thanks for reading,



Ayoze's Scribe

Writer | Human Psychology enthusiast|Life enthusiast | Poet lover| Always trying to improve and learn from others.